Thursday, February 2, 2012

37 weeks and a new blog

Well, today I am 37 weeks pregnant!!! I feel like I have so little time yet still so much time left before my sweet little boy enters the world. That probably just means he will be 'late', or as I like to say 'on time'. Due dates are estimates for the most part, and I believe a baby will come when they are ready to enter the world. So if I am over 40 weeks and there is no baby yet, I don't think I'll be saying he is late.

Since the baby is almost here, I thought it would be good to finally get our family blog up and running. I will try to update it with lots of pictures and updates. I'm sure with John being our first kid I will overdo it, but that is allowed right? :)

Please pray for us as we get things ready for the baby, and for me as I prepare for labor and delivery. I have heard that big babies run in our family, and Steven's too, so I may be in for a big boy. On the other hand, you never know how big a baby will be. Also, continue to pray for Steven as he is looking for a more stable job with benefits.

Much love,

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